
The Institute for the Advancement of Behavioral Healthcare and Dominion Diagnostics Announce Extended Partnership in Addiction Treatment Education

Today, the Institute for the Advancement of Behavioral Healthcare and Dominion Diagnostics announce they will continue their long-standing partnership over the next two years to support education for addiction treatment professionals facing the substance abuse and addiction crisis.

“Dominion Diagnostics is an established supporter of field-leading, evidence-based education and research in the addiction treatment field,” said Doug Edwards, Director, Institute for the Advancement of Behavioral Healthcare. “We are thrilled to have their continued expertise and support on the heels of their 20th anniversary.” 

Dominion Diagnostics will be the founding sponsor of the Institute’s inaugural National Cocaine, Methamphetamine & Stimulant Summit designed to address a category of drugs climbing in the headlines right alongside the opioid crisis: stimulants. Cocaine is flooding Southern states as production increases to record levels in South America. Methamphetamine remains an omnipresent scourge. And college students across the country continue to abuse prescription stimulants in a misguided attempt to boost academic performance. Together these “twin epidemics” are overwhelming law enforcement and treatment providers. The conference will be November 12-14, 2018, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

“Our 20-year history has allowed us to recognize the devastating impact that stimulants have on communities across the country. In the midst of the opioid crisis, this topic warrants greater attention,” said Dominion Diagnostics Chief Executive Officer Bob Garvey. “Our continued partnership with the Institute through live education is key to the development and delivery of important resources that advance patient care and improve treatment outcomes.”

Through its two-year partnership Dominion Diagnostics also commits leading support to the Institute’s other live educational events that offer opportunities for connections and robust, influential discussions between thought leaders, stakeholders and addiction treatment professionals. Among these are several regional summits on the opioid crisis, a series of local panel events, and the National Conference on Addiction Disorders where Dominion Diagnostics has served as Title Sponsor since 2014. Dominion will also support the National Rx Drug Abuse & Heroin Summit, where President Obama addressed attendees in 2016 and the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services addressed attendees in 2017.

For more details on the National Cocaine, Methamphetamine & Stimulant Summit, see www.stimulantsummit.com. To sign up for updates on the conference and news related to stimulants, visit www.iabhc.com/stimulants.

For more details on the National Conference on Addiction Disorders, see https://vendome.swoogo.com/NCAD-2018.

About the Institute for the Advancement of Behavioral Healthcare

The Institute for the Advancement of Behavioral Healthcare is the leading education provider to behavioral healthcare professionals and allied stakeholders. Our wide range of resources includes two award-winning publications, Addiction Professional and Behavioral Healthcare Executive; national and regional conferences; local lunch’n’learns and virtual Webinars; and topic-focused e-newsletters. The Institute continuously engages more than 200,000 professionals, including front-line clinicians and private-practice therapists; nurses, physicians, and other medical professionals; and executive-level decision makers at a wide range of for-profit, not-for-profit, public, and private mental health and substance use treatment organizations. The Institute also leads discussions among policy makers, prevention and public health officials, law enforcement personnel, and community advocates. For more information, visit www.iadvancebehavioralhealthcare.com