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Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School's Recovery Research Institute (RRI) features findings from recently published research on CARD®, developed by Dominion Diagnostics

The Recovery Research Institute (RRI) at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School is currently featuring the recently published CARD® research study Systematic Evaluation of “Compliance” to Prescribed Treatment Medications and “Abstinence” from Psychoactive Drug Abuse in Chemical Dependence Programs: Data from the Comprehensive Analysis of Reported Drugs in its monthly newsletter. The RRI newsletter features new and noteworthy research about addiction, its treatment, related policy, and recovery.

RRI Director John F. Kelly, PhD congratulated lead study author and Dominion’s Chief Scientific Advisor Kenneth Blum, PhD, with the following message:

“Our mission is to enhance exposure to addiction and recovery science in order to reduce the suffering, stigma, and discrimination associated with addiction. We hope to accomplish this in part by synthesizing, summarizing, and disseminating science to the public, clinicians and clinical administrators, and policy makers. We were both intrigued and persuaded by your study and have therefore featured it in this month’s newsletter. Congratulations again on an excellent article.”

Find out more about RRI at www.recoveryanswers.org

Find out more about Comprehensive Analysis of Reported Drugs (CARD)®

Access the RRI Newsletter Feature

Access the Full Article on PLOS ONE