
Research & Development

At Dominion Diagnostics, our Research & Development team stands at the forefront of innovation in laboratory science.

Our expert scientists are dedicated to advancing the detection of medications, substances of abuse, and emerging drug trends.

Our R&D team is not only equipped with cutting-edge technology but also possesses the knowledge and expertise to push the boundaries of what’s possible in toxicology and clinical testing.

Our R&D team comprises Ph.D., M.S., and B.S.-level scientists who specialize in:

Our R&D scientists have partnered with universities for research, training, and internships. Additionally, our team has a history of attending scientific conferences and user meetings, where they present seminars, posters, and projects.

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the numerous peer-reviewed publications our team has contributed to leading scientific journals. Our work has been featured in prestigious publications, underscoring our position as leaders in the field. See below for some of those recent manuscripts:

Norbuprenorphine Interferences in Urine Drug Testing LC–MS-MS Confirmation Methods from Quetiapine Metabolites

Journal of Analytical Toxicology
Vol 46, Sept 2022
Ana Celia Muñoz-Muñoz,*, Teresa Pekol, Amber Awad, Phillip Hackett, Lynnea Sullivan,Art Rodrigues, Erin Brelsford, Richard Engert, Debra Savery and Lawrence Andrade

Factors Compromising Glucuronidase Performance in Urine Drug Testing Potentially Resulting in False Negatives

Journal of Analytical Toxicology
Vol 46, July 2022
L. Andrew Lee, Amanda C. McGee, Pongkwan Sitasuwan, John J. Tomashek, Chris Riley, Ana Celia Muñoz-Muñoz and Lawrence Andrade

Characterization of an Amphetamine Interference from Gabapentin in an LC–HRMS Method

Journal of Analytical Toxicology
Vol 44, January 2020
Ana Celia Muñoz-Muñoz*, Teresa Pekol, Dana Schubring, Charlene Johnson, and Lawrence Andrade

Identification of Novel Opioid Interferences using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

Journal of Analytical Toxicology
Vol 42, January-February 2018
Ana Celia Muñoz-Muñoz*, Teresa Pekol, Dana Schubring, Charlene Johnson, and Lawrence Andrade

Analysis of isomeric opioids in urine using LC-TIMS-TOF MS

Vol 183, June 2018
Adams, Kendra J; Ramirez, Cesar E; Smith, Natalie F; Celia Munoz-Munoz, Ana; Andrade, Lawrence; Fernandez-Lima, Francisco

At Dominion Diagnostics, we are not just responding to the challenges of today; we are anticipating the needs of tomorrow. Our R&D efforts are focused on developing innovative solutions that enhance patient care, improve clinical outcomes, and support the healthcare community in addressing the complex issues of substance use and medication management.

Through rigorous research, meticulous development, and a relentless pursuit of scientific excellence, Dominion Diagnostics continues to shape the future of toxicology and laboratory testing.


Dominion Diagnostics R&D Team Presents at ASMS2021

Dominion’s Research & Development team recently participated in the international conference for mass spectrometry, American Society for Mass Spectrometry or ASMS. Ana Grenier, Ph.D. was selected to present as one of the speakers where she presented a talk called “Strategies to Identify and Mitigate Interferences in Urine Drug Testing LC MS/MS Methods.”

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LEARN WITH US: Elimination Monitoring

Creatinine adjustment is essential for accurate interpretation of drug elimination in many cases. Learn from our clinical services team about how elimination monitoring can help you to better understand your patient’s results.

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Northeastern University features Dominion Diagnostics Director of Research and Development Lawrence Andrade in Recent News

Lawrence Andrade, UC’94, has to stay sharp to outpace street-drug kingpins. As the head of R&D at Dominion Diagnostics, a clinical toxicology lab and a leading maker of drug tests, Andrade’s job is to detect when people have drugs in their system. Not only does he have to stay on top of industry trends and technology, but he also has to keep an eye on the latest drugs to hit the streets. No small task, given the U.S. opioid epidemic, which has led to an explosion of drug abuse and lent new urgency to accurate drug testing.

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